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Dynamite Lipo Glow Igniter With Battery And Charger
Dynamite Lipo Glow Igniter With Battery And Charger
Your Price: $24.95

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Product Code: DYN1926

Scrap your old glow igniter and step into the real world. A world where a glow igniter glows HOT with real output, not 1.2 volts, but 1.5! This is the glow igniter you've been looking for.

* LiPo powered, providing higher power output versus NiMH glow drivers
* Switching power transfer (low heat dissipation)
* LED indicator light allows users to detect if the glow plug is good or not
* Includes a 1S 1200mAh Li-Po battery and charger
* Fits all glow plugs
* High-technology regulator, output voltage is 1.5V
* 2.5mm DC Jack, Center pin positive charge hole